The Gay Club

(by Eduardo Ramos)


That horrible massacre in Orlando hit us all deep because we LGBTQI men and women and anything in between are a closely united global community. Also because it happened in a gay club. The gay club has a special place in our lives, hearts and soul. It is our temple, our school, our association all in one. It’s the place where most of us felt free for the first time. Where we recognized in others what we knew was the best in us. Where we felt shameless, where we felt loved, where we felt seductive and seduced and powerful and connected. Where we belonged to the majority. Some of us (like me) found the love of our lives in a gay club. Many of us met our best friends in the club.
It’s the place where our Lord, whatever that is for each one, speaks to us and says: “Gurl, everything is gonna be allright if you just dance and have fun!”. And we dance and we are happy and free and no one, not even closeted homophobic killer haters with a machine gun will EVER take that away from us.